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Monday, November 01 2004

Me : the so-called “w5” application 1.0 (alpha 6)

This release is notable for the inclusion of a simple CGI-based XML-RPC server which can read Bloom filters sent by a client and use them to prevent the same image from being returned twice.

The server is Python-based and uses the same library that the client uses. This is less than ideal because the library does not play nicely with other language implementations, notably Maciej's Bloom::Filter.

On the other hand, it works today using the Python hooks and I will revisit the problem at a later date.

There are a few more details to fuss with but the application pretty much does everything it was designed to and I plan to bless it as a beta in the next week or two.

refers to


Saturday, October 30 2004 ←  → Friday, November 05 2004