
=head1 SUMMARY

 use Mail::Audit qw (Weblog)

 my $mail = Mail::Audit->new();

 # use Mail::Audit to figure out

 # if we're interested in the message

 # here...


 # ?


 return 1;


package Mail::Audit::Weblog;

use Mail::Audit;

return 1;

package Mail::Audit;

# Maybe Net::Weblog::CommonAPI ?

use Net::Weblog;

sub post {

  my $self = shift;


  my $weblog = Net::Weblog->new(...);

  my $post   = $weblog->new_post();






  # Use power of Mail::Audit ($self) 

  # to assign additional categories

  # here...

  # ?


  # For sheer laziness, we could also

  # use Mail::XML and a write a SAX::Filter

  # for handing off to a $weblog->raw (?)

  # method. So, if we were using $self to 

  # auto-generate categories we would also

  # do $self->put(category1,$category) before

  # doing :

  my $xml    = "";

  my $writer = XML::SAX::Writer->new(Output=>\$xml);

  my $filter = Net::Weblog::Filter::MailToBlog->new(Handler=>$writer);

  my $parser = XML::SAX::ParseFactory->parser(Handler=>$filter);

  # Not actually sure Mail::Audit can do this


  # raw ??? Anyway, if you were into that sort of

  # thing you could forget about creating a $weblog

  # object altogether (not to mention $writer and $xml) 

  # and just pass your blog credentials to the $filter 

  # object and have it post the message when it 

  # encountered the end_document event...


  # Which doesn't look so lazy anymore...

  # The upshot, of course, is that you could bundle 

  # the above and use the code outside of your mail

  # filter.

  return 1;


return 1;

see also : hurl