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Wednesday, October 31 2001

Me : render-changes-rss.js

I wrote a tool that takes the [ changes.xml] RSS file and munges it into a JavaScript variable that you can then slurp, parse and render. There really isn't any reason why I couldn't have done this with the original changes.xml file other than I only figured it out for RSS files yesterday. All of which suggests the need to write a generic to_javascript($xml,$outfile) method. It also suggests the possibility of writing a generic RSS parser but I just don't know if I have the energy to write hooks for all the various flavours, in JavaScript of all things...

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Michael S. Shapiro : Copyright as Cultural Policy

via libjuice (pdf)

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Tony Bowden :

"allows you to tie a scalar variable so that it will decay over time. For example, if you set a half-life of 30 seconds, then a variable which is set to 100 now will be 25 in a minute's time. We're sure there are all manner of useful applications for this, and hopefully someone will let us know what they are."

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The dict-ified word of the day is diablerie

| source : web1913 | Diablerie \Dia`ble*rie"\, Diabley \Di*ab"le*y\, n. [F. diablerie, fr. diable devil, L. diabolus. See {Devil}.] Devilry; sorcery or incantation; a diabolical deed; mischief.

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Tuesday, October 30 2001 ←  → Thursday, November 01 2001