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Thursday, October 11 2001

Mark Kingwell : "There are always too many gods, or too few, to save us.

It is terrifying to realize we are all on our own, down here in the land of the mortals. But sooner or later, we have to grow up and look after ourselves, cherishing what is good in our dreams and bracing for the nightmares that must come, from inside as well as outside."

refers to


Me : What is Aaron thinking about?

So, I've set up hooks that allow you to slurp an RSS (1.0) file for an aaronland category widget. The URL scheme is as follows :|ID)/rss. You can see an example of where all this nonsense might get interesting at the perlblog. You is all still in the proof of concept stage, so you should expect breakage and random weirdness for a while yet.


The dict-ified word of the day is recherche

| source : web1913 | Recherch'e \Re*cher`ch['e]"\, a. [F.] Sought out with care; choice. Hence: of rare quality, elegance, or attractiveness; peculiar and refined in kind. | source : wn | recherche adj : lavishly elegant and refined [syn: {exquisite}]

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Wednesday, October 10 2001 ←  → Friday, October 12 2001