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Some of the joys of dual U.S. - Canadian citizenship, so far :

border guards, registering for U.S. Selective Services full of punk-rock testosterone after living in Canada for eighteen years, knowing what milk-in-a-bag is and , most recently, getting bribed by the President. It occurred to me that maybe I should send my 300$ to Ralph Nader. After talking to some friends, though, I've decided to write a cheque -- writing cheque on American websites, that's definitely another one -- for 300$ USD to a Canadian community organization. Those of you who've chosen to do something else with your piece of the Social Security pie should atleast set aside enough to buy a copy of Terry Southern's The Magic Christian and Aldous Huxley's Ape and Essence.


Canada DMCA Opponents ←  → The dict-ified word of the day is coterminous