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Monday, August 21 2000

Jeffrey Zeldman

"I worry about the medium, because not enough designers are working in that vast middle ground between eye candy and hardcore usability where most of the Web must be built. And there are fewer and fewer incentives for Web designers to toil in these fields, since this type of work pleases Web users but wins absolutely no recognition from the industry, aside from a paycheck. ("My God, it loaded so quickly and worked so well, even in IE3 on my Dad's old Dell machine." You know how awards show judges are always saying things like that? Neither do I.)"

refers to


Alex Shah, Tony Darugar : Creating High Performance Web Applications

"using Perl, Display Templates, XML, and Database Content" Also of interest, on the same server, are A Fresh Look at Efficient Perl Sorting and FISH, Finally an Interactive Shell

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Daniel Richler : Stolen Tunes

"There are many indications that a similar change is in the works for all forms of replicable art: novels, pictures, movies, and any futuristic form of creative expression you can think of - weather arranging, say, or teledildonics. It won't be the end of the world, and it won't happen overnight, but it does appear to signal the end of the intellectual copyright system upon which so many people's livelihoods depend today. ... Under people like Edgar Bronfman, Jr., movie and record companies are morphing into armies of lawyers, even threatening to sue their artists' fans. Geddy Lee of Rush knows musicians who've actually proposed encrypting their CDs with hostile viruses. Now there's a scenario I'd like to share with William Gibson: in the twenty-first century the relationship between musician and fan will be one of war." Interestingly, this article will only be archived for three months. I'll leave it to the audience to decide if this merely demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the Net on the part of the publisher, a piss-poor attempt at copyright protection or both.

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Le Devoir : Un référendum fédéraliste pour changer le Canada?

"Je considère que le Québec doit forcer le jeu et tenir un référendum fédéraliste clairement gagnant [l'équivalent d'un coup d'État démocratique] pour obtenir, pendant qu'il en est encore temps, une réforme qui lui permette de vivre son droit à la différence au sein d'une fédération canadienne résolument moderne en même temps que fidèle au refus du melting pot qui l'a vue naître."

refers to


PHPBuilder : Browser Detection and Appropriate CSS Generation

"Whoever said CSS would solve all your cross-platform browser display issues needs to lay off the pipe a little."

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Chip Salzenberg

"I've got to say that this is the longest distance I've ever seen anyone go to avoid typing one keyword."

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Saturday, August 19 2000 ←  → Tuesday, August 22 2000