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Leah McLaren : Growing up on therapy

"Today, in my 20s, I've noticed that most of my friends my age have been in therapy at one point or another. Some of us were coerced; others went willingly, even eagerly. ... If therapy is a language for the baby boomers, it has become a way of life for many of their children, millions of whom were passed from child psychologists to adolescent specialists to university mental health clinics throughout the 1980s and 1990s." I went around the time I was seven or eight, posessed by a young child's fury at the injustice of being born of parents too dumb --in my mind-- to see the obvious and perfect logic in simply getting remarried. I don't want to knock the good work that many therapists do but I was pretty disappointed when I realized the guy I was seeing had *no* idea I was just saying what he wanted to hear. I wonder if that was the point of the exercise...

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This Morning talks to Niall Ferguson ←  → The Rocket, 1921 - 2000