NAME s60-upcalendar - sync your watchlist with your calendar SYNOPSIS Phone > My own > Python > Options > Run script > DESCRIPTION s60-upcalendar is an application to sync your "watchlist" on with your calendar. OPTIONS The following options can be acccessed from the application's Options menu. Merge your watchlist Perform the merge to add items on your watchlist to your calendar. If an event already exists in your calendar it will be updated with the most recent information. Past events are not removed. Set default alarm Set a default alarm to be assigned to all items added to your calendar. The format for alarms is a number followed by one of the following : * m The number of minutes prior to an event that an alarm should sound. * h The number of hours prior to an event that an alarm should sound. * d The number of days prior to an event that an alarm should sound. To disable alarms, enter *0*. Your watchlist will need to be re-merged in order for charges to your alarm preferences to stick. Change your auth token Please read the AUTHENTICATION section below. Purge metro and venue cache upcalendar caches both metro and venue data for faster updates. You may purge this cache if you think that some of the data is out of sync. AUTHENTICATION The Upcoming API uses 'tokens' for user authentication, instead of your username and password. Tokens are like passwords, in that each is unique to a user. Unlike passwords they are often very long and composed of, basically, gibberish. This is great because it makes them hard to guess but not so great because they are difficult to enter and users still need to log in to a website in order to get a token. Both things that are irritating on cell phones. With that in mind the best thing to do, to set up an authentication token for upcalendar, is to sit with your phone the next time you go to and visit this URL : This page will display a custom authentication 'frob' which is a time-sensitive key to get a proper authentication token. When you are prompted to configure your auth token in upcalender select 'Enter auth frob by hand' and type in the frob. ` *This is a boring thing to do have to do* but you should only have to do it once. It is also better to do it this way than to try and do the same from your phone's web browser. (And if you want to, upcalendar will let you.) REQUIREMENTS Series 60 Python PDIS Python extensions (Specifically the ElementTree/XPath bits) VERSION 0.11 DATE $Date: 2006/08/22 18:26:40 $ AUTHOR Aaron Straup Cope SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved. LICENSE Perl Artistic License. This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.